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Key Club International

Founded in 1925, Key Club International remains the oldest and largest high school service program. Originally started by a commissioner of California schools, Albert C. Olney, as well as by a vocational education teacher, Frank C. Vincent. The two worked together to establish the first ever Key Club at Sacramento High School. Eventually female students were finally allowed admission in 1976, though, eleven more years passed before women were admitted to Kiwanis International.


Today, Key Club continues to be a student-lead organization comprised of over 270,00 active members, surpassing Kiwanis in membership. Clubs today can be found all over the world, representing over 40 countries through leadership on the club, district, and international level. Through Key Club, members are able to take an active role in shaping their community while teaching the values of leadership through service.

2024-2025 International Leaders


International President
David Robaina


International Vice President
Carissa Andorf


International Trustee
Chikanma Okoisor

Ohio District Key Club


The Ohio District of Key Club International stands today as one of the oldest and largest districts of Key Club. With a long history beginning with the third ever Key Club established in Newark, the Ohio District is now comprised of over 200 Key Clubs, 26 divisions, and close to 9,000 members. A district board made up of members from all over the state are elected each year to serve these clubs and represent Ohio on the International level.


The district hosts two events, Fall Rally and DLC (District Leadership Conference), annually in the Fall and Spring respectively. Key Club members from all over Ohio are encouraged to attend to meet members from other clubs, learn more about district and international opportunities, and obtain new perspectives towards service through workshops, games, and inspirational speakers.

2024-2025 District Leaders


District Governor
Olufemi Odiah


District Secretary-Treasurer
Kiera Fortney


District Bulletin Editor
Ava Cheeks

Core Values

♦ Leadership ♦ Character Building ♦ Caring ♦ Inclusiveness ♦

Key Club Pledge

“I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.“

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