Looking to get more involved with Key Club at a higher level?
Interested in planning district events and executing service initiatives?
Passionate about being an inclusive leader extending past your division?

The Ohio District is always looking for new Lieutenant Governors to fill vacant divisions before the next service year begins. A Lieutenant Governor communicates with the clubs assigned to their division so to encourage and promote district involvement. ​

Not only is this an opportunity to actively make a difference for others, but it also offers the chance to form life-long friendships and bonds with people just as devoted to community service as you are.

You can still represent a vacant division regardless of the division you reside in. For example, you fill Division 9's vacant LTG position while living in Division 3.

Come back soon for more information on becoming your division's LTG or filling a vacant division for the 2024-2025 Key Club term.

Current vacant divisions: 9, 18E, 21