2020 Notre Dame Key Clubber sewed for healthcare providers in low mask supply2020 Notre Dame Key Clubber donated homemade masks to hard-working practitioners of medicine2020-2021 Salem Key Club donated enough to purchase children’s masks for elementary students to have access to
Virtual Race/Run
Host a remote 5k (or 1 mile, undefined distance, or any distance that works best for your club)
Students can track their distance with a phone or wearable device (fit bit, apple watch, etc.)
More flexible about when/where a student participates
Perhaps raise money for a fundraiser by having students find a sponsor (parent, grandparent, neighbor, etc.) to donate X dollars for every X mile(s) ran
2018-2019 Franklin Heights Key Club walked a 5k for breast cancer awareness2019-2020 Hilliard Darby Key Club volunteered at the Hot Chocolate run2018-2019 Franklin Heights Key Club finished the 5k despite inclement weather2019 Granville Key Clubbers and Kiwanians run for Project Eliminate2019-2020 Hilliard Darby Key Club showed support for the race while volunteering2018-2019 Franklin Heights Key Club hosted a successful 5k for breast cancer
Handwrite a friendly letter/Become a Pen Pal
Brighten someone’s day with handwritten (or virtual) letters
Plenty of people could use some community support right now, so consider sending someone a couple positive letters once or twice per month
You’ll likely even receive a response too! It certainly feels pretty good receiving handwritten letters regularly (from both ends of the interaction)
2018-2019 Coventry Key Club wrote to children during the holidays2019-2020 Lexington Key Club sent upbeat letters to isolated seniors2019-2020 Lexington wrote encouraging word to be sent to nursing homes2018-2019 Westland Key Club received a generous ‘thank you’ letter for their work2018-2019 Berea-Midpark Key Clubber participated in KCI’s Divisional Pen Pal program2018 Key Clubbers write letters thanking sponsoring-Kiwanis clubs at Key Leader